The Bo Thompson Morning Show

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

All students are being taught about the toxicity of white privilege and how generations have "benefited" from oppression. This is the very definition of indoctrination. Let the educators tell students how to think instead of allowing them to form their own opinions. If it's already written into the curriculum, there will be no room for objective contradictions from students.

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

The eight people killed by Robert Aaron Long weren't all of Asian-American descent, but the media is using the "hate crime" term to link these heinous acts as being targeted. One would believe that deliberate shootings are hate crimes, right?

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

Biden appeared on ABC with George Stephanopoulos and during his time was asked about the sexual harassment scandal with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. What was omitted from the interview was the President being asked about his own sexual misconduct allegations while serving in the US Senate.

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

We're nearing the 100-day mark in Joe Biden's presidency and we've learned a lot about the longtime American politician. Some things we knew about the 78-year-old before taking office while others we're seeing play out in real time. 

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

The buzz of the Sunday morning talk shows was a CNN interview with Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple. The writer called out the network for letting anchor Chris Cuomo conduct glowing, “love-a-thon” interviews with his now-scandal-plagued brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

"A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months," Biden said. "That led to more deaths, more infections, more stress and more loneliness." At another point, Biden pulled out his mask and expressed amazement that it had been turned into some sort of political statement.

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools made the decision to forgo the dances altogether due to the associated risks with indoor gatherings. But sporting events all across the state will go on as planned with an increase of people in attendance.

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

CMPD issued 209 citations for panhandling in 2019, and 55% of those cases were dismissed. There is a projected dismissal rate of 70% when pending cases are factored in. CMPD has found that arresting individuals provides exposure to services like mental health while the individuals are detained.

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

Charlotte City Council members are torn over a comprehensive plan for single-family zoning. One of the most outspoken is Braxton Winston, who believes the zoning had helped segregate American cities with the same happening in the Queen's City. He even called the initiative "a tool of segregation" and told Charlotte to "stop being racist" in a tweet last week. 

The Bo Thompson Morning Show

"It is time for us as adults to stop playing politics with the lives of our children," said Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. "We can clearly see that they are hurting. It is time for us to stop this. It is time for us to stop worrying about our political future."