Tune in here to this segment of The Brett Winterble Show!

Brett expresses his joy and sadness on this anniversary of both his first day at WBT as well as Rush Limbaugh’s passing. He takes time to express his thankfulness towards all that Rush did for him, all he learned from the talk radio giant, and the overall impact that Rush had on his life. Rush and Brett were not only coworkers, they were close friends. Brett tells stories of the greatness of Rush, from not being able to do his job because Rush would pull him away with his intriguing comments to Rush making everyone feel involved + important. Rush was a man that with a vision and the belief in himself to chase it. Brett learned many crucial life lessons from Rush and so did many others.

In honor of Rush Limbaugh take the reigns to your life and pursue your dreams with confidence. Rush was more than a talk radio host, he was an example of how one man’s vision can inspire an entire generation.