Election and Social Poll Concept.

Source: ThinkNeo / Getty

There’s a new Gallup poll on which political party Americans think can better handle the issues that are most important to them. CNN reports:

This 11-point Republican edge is one of the best they have ever had. Looking at 20 midterm elections since 1946 when this question was asked, only once has the Republican Party had a larger advantage on this question. That was in 1946 when Republicans had a 17 point lead on the Democrats.

Republicans had a net gain of 55 House seats in the 1946 election. And while the correlation is far from perfect (+0.7 on a scale of -1 to 1) between House seats won by the Republican Party and how they stood against the Democrats on the most important issue question, it is very much existent.

Take a look at all elections since 1946 in which there was a Democratic president. Republicans ended up with 230 seats on average in the five elections when they led on the question of who Americans trusted more on the issue most important to them. This included 1946 when they won 246 seats.

Americans are dealing with a recession and inflation. What else could go wrong?

Also, Vince discusses why we need to have higher standards for those we elect to represent us.

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