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Tune in here to this rainy Tuesday edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off the program by talking about the nasty storm hitting the Carolinas today and explain why he thinks Spring has come early + United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin receiving treatment for prostate cancer.
Later in the show Brett shares a disturbing trend amongst Gen Z job applicants and Bo Thompson from Good Morning BT makes a surprise visit to the show to talk about the tough situation he’s seeing as he drives around Charlotte.

Former White House Deputy Press Secretary and friend of the program Hogan Gidley joins the show to talk about former President Donald Trump’s legal issues.
Bo Thompson returns to the program in place of Beth Troutman for Crossing the Streams on the Brett Winterble Show to talk about the state of the roads around Charlotte with many roads around the city flooding after the day’s bad storm and look to other storms in the future that could also cause similar issues with traveling around the city.