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Tune in here to this Halloween edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off the program by talking about how the situation in Israel is being treated in the United States before Brett starts talking about Halloween and debates with producer T.J. about which seasons are the best. Brett also talks with a caller about the bad reputation that black cats have + explains why he loves all animals.
Brett and Beth start the conversation by talking about the highlights from last night’s Women of WBT episode of Talktoberfest before Brett explains what bothers him about people wearing costumes on television on Halloween + Beth shares why she thinks people feel pressured to do it and some examples of times in TV she didn’t wear a costume as well as her funniest experience with a costume at work before sharing their thoughts on what is the proper schedule for holiday decorating.

Brett also starts a debate with his producers and callers about black licorice and other controversial types of Halloween candy.