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You get a bonus hour of “Breaking with Brett Jensen,” this Monday and Brett starts off the show sharing what he has learned about active shooter situations.

Shortly after deadly shooting in Uvalde, Texas Brett attended a local training with CMPD on what to do in an active shooter situation.

“There are no guarantees in an active shooter situation,” said CMPD Sgt. Jonathan Frisk. “The shooters only goal is to go inside and kill as many people as they can.”

Brett shares what he found to be most eye-opening in the training as well as what he sees as the most important takeaway + shares how you can access the same training before telling the story of one North Carolina high school in Rutherford County with a controversial (and tone deaf) prize as the reward for donating to a raffle for the wrestling team.

Listen to “Breaking with Brett Jensen,” weeknights from 7-8 on WBT!