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Tune in here to this Thursday edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off the program by talking about all of the Trump trials going on, how we as Americans have a warped vision of the prosecutors and judges from TV shows that make them look like the best and brightest when in reality they’re shady power hungry servants of the Government narrative.
We’re joined by author and professor Dr. Paul Kengor to talk about his book “The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration,” and how it ties into the campus protests we are seeing across the country.

Bo Thompson from Good Morning BT is also here for this Thursday episode of Crossing the Streams. Brett and Bo talk about yesterday’s storm and the Wells Fargo Championship. Bo also shares what he and Beth have coming up tomorrow on Good Morning BT!
Listen here for all of this and more on The Brett Winterble Show!