Pete is out today, so Chad Adams fills in. Listen Here:

Pete is out today, so Chad Adams fills in. Listen Here:

Pete is out today, so Chad Adams fills in. Listen Here:

Pete is out today, so Chad Adams fills in. Listen Here:

Chad Adams talks about illegal immigration and the implications of bad policy. Listen Here:

Chad Adams discusses the NC abortion bill and takes calls on the abortion issue. Listen Here:

If only we had time to prepare, maybe the US could have prevented the overwhelming swarm of humanity at the border that threatens to collapse the immigration system and bust government budgets all over the nation. Listen Here:

Caller Tony – who usually gives Pete a very hard time – find common ground in the abortion debate. Plus, why are Democrats letting so many people into a systemically racist country? Listen Here:

North Carolina Treasurer Dale Folwell joins me to chat about baked goods, corrupt hospital systems, and the hundreds of miles he logged yesterday on the campaign trail. Listen Here:

The people who love former President Donald Trump saw his performance last night as a resounding victory. People who hate Trump saw it as a lie-filled bully session. The format guaranteed it would be worth very little. Listen Here: