An investigation into the decades-long businesses run by Hunter Biden, it’s apparent that the money flowing in from foreign sources was being funneled to Joe Biden’s brother and other family members. Listen Here:

Evidence continues to pile up that Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, were engaged in a years-long international influence-peddling scheme that enriched the Democrat Vice President and his extended family. Listen Here:

Two weekend stories that were supposed to help control the damage of the Hunter Biden scandal has raised new concerns that the DOJ has been corrupted. Listen Here:

WBT afternoon host Brett Winterble joins Good Morning BT talking about the latest indictment of former President Donald Trump and 18 others by a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury for allegedly interfering with the 2020 elections.

Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests WBT afternoon host Brett Winterble, journalist Steven Fabian, legal expert attorney Bill Graham, and WBT news reporter and show host "Breaking" Brett Jensen.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special counsel to the Hunter Biden probe, Trump appointed U.S. Attorney, David Weiss. Also, a new political party is forming. That and much more on The Vince Coakley Radio Program. Listen Here:

Chad Adams fills in for Vince Coakley. Chad discusses climate change, the wildfires running rampant in Hawaii and more Biden corruption. That and much more on The Vince Coakley Radio Program. Listen Here:

Amid the mounting evidence of influence peddling corruption by Joe Biden as Vice President and before his run for President, Democrats and media are worrying how Republicans are using the evidence to tarnish Biden’s fake “brand.” Listen Here:

Despite a media blackout on the Sunday talk show circuit, the testimony of Hunter Biden’s former friend and business associate clearly links President Joe Biden to the international deals being cut while “the Big Guy” was Vice President. Devon Archer testified to Congress that VP Biden brought the most value to “the brand.” Listen Here:

Vince discusses how we need to start putting the greater good over self interest. President Biden’s scandals are starting to turn voters off and it’s starting to show in polls. Also, more charges announced for former President Donald Trump. That and much more on The Vince Coakley Radio Program. Listen Here: