
Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests cybersecurity expert Theresa Payton, WBT afternoon show host Brett Winterble, legal expert attorney Bill Graham, and former Charlotte Mayor and former NC Governor Pat McCrory.

WBT show host and reporter "Breaking" Brett Jensen talks about the newfound optimism and excitement surrounding the Carolina Panthers this year, the financial issues of the Gastonia Honey Hunters minor league baseball team, and remembering Paul Reubens, aka Pee Wee Herman, who died Sunday at age 70.

WBT afternoon host Brett Winterble joins Good Morning BT talking about his level of daily water intake, and what GOP Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis needs to do to compete with the rock-star like qualities of former President Donald Trump.

Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests automotive expert Tom Blocker, WBT afternoon show host Brett Winterble, and WBT show host and reporter Brett Jensen.

Our cybersecurity expert Theresa Payton joins Good Morning BT with her take on the positives and pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) as its influence and potential to threaten privacy, careers and America's national security looms larger by the minute.

Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests Brett Winterble and Theresa Payton.

Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests Bill Graham, Jason Lewis and Charlotte's Most Beloved, John Hancock.

Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests Ray Stagich, Emily Ratliff, Bill Graham, and Brett Winterble.

Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and special guests Theresa Payton, Emily Ratliff, Dale Folwell and Pat McCrory.

WBT afternoon host Brett Winterble joins Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman and Brett Jensen, talking about the awesomeness of Berlin, Germany while Jensen rips the European town after not being able to gain admission to KitKatClub.