Tune in here to this Thursday edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off the program by talking about the passing of OJ Simpson at the age of 76 after his battle with cancer, and how the OJ trial was the original divide in society where people began to doubt the justice system.
We’re joined by Jason Simmons, the new NC GOP Chairman, to talk about the upcoming 2024 election, the importance of North Carolina in this race, and how the GOP goes about recruiting new voters to the party. Simmons points to how the democrats make it easy by making many lifelong democrats feel disenfranchised with the party’s far left policies and the real world impact of the policies.

Beth Troutman from Good Morning BT is also here for this Thursday’s episode of Crossing the Streams. Brett and Beth talk about the passing of Bo Thompson’s daughter and the outpouring of love from the WBT listeners. Beth also shares what’s coming up tomorrow on Good Morning BT.
Listen here for all of this and more on The Brett Winterble Show!