Tune in here to this Monday edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off the program by talking about the three U.S. soldiers killed in the drone strike in Jordan and how the Biden White House is handling the situation. Brett fields calls discussing tariffs, taxes, disinformation and more. Somali terrorist was allowed to roam freely in America for a year after being stopped at the border then released into the U.S. Brett also breaks down the Texas vs. Biden situation, why it’s happening and how it will end.
Bo Thompson from Good Morning BT is also here for this Monday’s episode of Crossing the Streams. Brett and Bo talk about the upcoming WBT District 8 Congressional Debate that will be held at Wingate University’s Batte Fine Arts Center by WBT. The tickets are sold out but not to worry because it will also be covered over the airwaves on 99.3 WBT News-Talk Radio. Bo and Brett also discuss the NFL playoffs from this weekend and the upcoming Super Bowl.