Tune in here to this Hump Day edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off the program by sharing his reaction to the Election Day results both locally and nationally + what he thinks Trump should make the focus of his campaign against Biden.
We’re joined by The Coach Matt Doherty live in studio for his weekly appearance! Brett and The Coach talk about what they think is the ideal outside temperature + share his thoughts on the passing of UNC basketball legend Walter Davis and coaching icon Bobby Knight.
We also take your calls on the roles of coaches in kids lives and the importance of good ones.

Bo Thompson from Good Morning BT is also here for this Wednesday episode of Crossing the Streams. Brett and Bo talk more about the election results in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties + what it is like to cover election night then come in for his early morning show.
We’re also joined by Rabbi Oppenheim from the Charlotte Torah Center to talk about his recent trip to Israel.