Get your weekend started with this Friday edition of the Brett Winterble Show!
Brett kicks off with the weekly Friday Hangover with fellow WBT host Pete Kaliner!
Brett and Pete start The Hangover by talking about an absurdly expensive McDonalds’ Big Mac combo available in Connecticut, leading Brett to ask the at what point prices like this qualify as “gouging,” after revealing the $18 Big Mac combo price and other ridiculous numbers for fast food.
Brett also talks about the uproar surrounding Iran serving as chair of a human rights commission + the practice of protestors blocking roadways for their causes.

Bo Thompson from Good Morning BT is also here for this final Crossing the Streams of the week. Brett and Bo talk about what to expect from the conflict in the Middle East going forward and why we need to be careful domestically + preview the next GOP Presidential debate scheduled for November 8th in Miami immediately after local elections here conclude.
We’re also joined by Michael Harrison of Talkers Magazine to talk about hate on college campuses.