Get your weekend started with this Friday episode of The Brett Winterble Show!

Brett and Pete start the show with the Friday Hangover by talking about how they feel about some of the catch phrases that gain momentum amongst the left+ the response to AOC’s speech at the Roosevelt Hotel to address the issues.

Brett also talks about inflation and the United Autoworkers strike + we’re joined by GOP Presidential Candidate Perry Johnson, who started a PAC and Commits to Match $1 Million for Politically Persecuted Moms, Dads, Grandparents and talks about the strike.

Johnson also talks about if he’ll qualify for a spot on the debate stage and why he thinks others in the party don’t want people to hear what he has to say.

Curtis Sliwa drops by to talk about the protests at AOC’s comments on the migrant crisis in NYC + Bo Thompson visits for the final edition of Crossing the Streams of the Week.