Welcome to this Hump Day edition of The Brett Winterble Show!

Brett kicks things off by talking about today’s hearing with IRS whistleblowers today and explains why he prefers to consume things like hearings (and sporting events) by listening as opposed to watching + his thoughts on the whistleblowers themselves.

The Coach Matt Doherty also joins for his weekly appearance on the program.  He and Brett use sports to talk about the importance of the culture of an organization and compare it to certain aspects of the government + talk about if those cultures are salvageable.

We also give away some highly coveted tickets to our “News and Brews,” event at Heist Brewery (tickets still available to see the WBT team here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/news-brews-tickets-666968138657?aff=oddtdtcreator).

Finally, we’re joined by Steven Favory and Deacon Daren Bitter from Hands of Haiti to talk about their organization, their Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive that helps people both locally and in Haiti.