The Vince Coakley Radio Program

Source: iOne Creative Services / Radio One Digital

There was reportedly a white substance found on White House property. It was later tested and was said to be cocaine. WIBC reports:

Cocaine was found in the White House on Sunday evening. I guess they do not call it the ‘White House’ for nothing.

The Secret Service found it while they were doing their routine rounds. They found the cocaine in a section of the West Wing where tours have access.

The discovering of the white powder led to the building being evacuated. Fire and emergency crews were brought in to do a rapid test, which preliminarily identified cocaine. The White House was soon reopened, and the white powder was sent off for further testing.

President Joe Biden was not present in the White House when it was found. He and his family left for Camp David on Friday and returned to the White House on Tuesday.

Vince discusses 2024 Presidential campaigns. Also, Wellness Wednesday. That and much more on The Vince Coakley Radio Program.

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