Data downloaded from Alex Murdaugh’s SUV helps build out the timeline of when he put his vehicle in park and when he took it out of park on the night of the June 7, 2021 murders. Prosecutors have also used cell phone data from his phone, as well as Maggie and Paul Murdaugh’s phones, to […]

The Alex Murdaugh trial on hold after a bomb threat forced the evacuation. Listen Here:

Update on the testimony from the Alex Murdaugh trial. Listen Here:

For about three days, South Carolina prosecutors have been detailing alleged financial crimes committed by Alex Murdaugh. All of this has occurred outside the presence of the jury as the judge decides whether the allegations might unfairly prejudice the jury. The judge has now ruled that the crimes can be admitted as they speak to […]

Matt Harris, co-host of the Impact of Influence podcast, discusses the latest in the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh – where the state seems to have nailed down a timeline and is now working on presenting evidence of a motive. Listen Here:

The prosecution has begun building a chronology of the double-murder using cell phone data from the phones of Alex, Maggie, and Paul Murdaugh. The prosecutors are using it to narrow down the time of death and place Alex at the scene. Listen Here:

Matt Harris is the host of the podcast “Impact of Influence” – and gives us a report from today’s Alex Murdaugh murder trial. Listen Here:

Day 5 of the Alex Murdaugh trial is underway and one of the South Carolina detectives who arrived on the scene testified that Murdaugh had no blood on any of his clothing or hands. Murdaugh told police he tried to check for a pulse on both his wife’s and son’s bodies. Listen Here:

Opening statements and the first witness takes the stand in the Alex Murdaugh murder trial in Colleton County, SC. Listen Here:

Jury selection began today in Colleton County, SC in the trial of Alex Murdaugh who is accused of murdering his wife and son. Listen Here: