Agreement. Is it required? Not here. Also, the when and where of WBT Blood Drives coming up soon.

Silence. It can be restorative, or restrictive. Some folks are counting on yours, even demanding it.

Commanding respect in the face of idiots and roadblocks, Rising Show days, and bacon!

Resetting the alarm clock to an earlier time, does it help? Also, whatever happened to mentors?

Tried Threads, bots are there too, but the newness of it is nice. The first and second cassettes I ever bought, and quality time spent in Spencer Gifts, Tarts and Record Bar on a Monday Memories podcast.

From Cowboy Classics to Benny Hill, garden hot peppers to Supreme Court critics, this podcast is all over the place!

The inner critic can be relentless, but so can you in responding to it.

A few thoughts about gratitude, good songs, and diamonds in the rough.

WBT's Skyshow is only a week away! Also, Wagner group threatens Putin's power.

Kicking off season four of my Nebulous Ramblings podcast with kudos to the Kellar Radio Talent Institute and thoughts on the loss of the Titan submarine and her crew.